The Collector's Guide To Victor Records
- book review
- The Collector's Guide To Victor Records - by
, in collaboration with William R. Moran and
- Monarch Record Enterprises, Dallas, 1992)

FLASH - this just in! Mike is working on a revision! I'll be first in line to get a copy - read on!
What a handy reference this is! It answers so many questions
concerning Victor, from pre-birth to the death of the 78. This is
not some half-baked romanticized effort by someone who thought
they'd write a book on a subject dear to their heart. Here are a few
of the highlights:
- Where color is an issue, color is shown (50% of the labels are color!)
- and they are not all in one section of the book
- Record sales: by year and color/size
- Nearly every label and record variety is listed, pictured, and dated
- Private use, theater, special, demo, DJ, advertising, home recording
blanks, puzzle, picture, International Record Collector's Club, pattern,
special order, and test issues.
- Subsidiary labels, foreign, children's, educational, PTs
- Rarity ratings by label variety
- Advertisements
- Extensive bibliography, indexed
- High quality printing, 176 pages, 6x9" sized book
Every 78 collector should have this work in their library. You'll want
to be familiar with it! Order it here.
Gary Herzenstiel